Saturday, February 26, 2011


The Motorola Xoom will probably be the first Android tablet to launch with Android 3.0 aka Honeycomb operating system. Honeycomb is the version of Android specifically designed for tablets. The device has been getting a lot of attention ever since Motorola announced it.

While Motorola is yet to officially announce the pricing and launch details of the tablet, word is that it will launch at Best Buy of February 24th with a whooping price tag of $799.99.

At launch, it looks like there will be no WiFi only model. That means you will have to purchase a 3G model even if you don't want to use the tablet with Verizon Wireless. What is even more ridiculous is that according to the Best Buy ad you will have to pay for at least one month of Verizon service to unlock the WiFi functionality.

So what will you get for $800? Is Xoom worth the seemingly steep price tag? Well, the tablet does have interesting hardware. It has a dual core processor and a higher resolution display than the iPad. It also has a 3G modem, two cameras (at 2MP and 5MP) and HD video recording and playback capabilities. The iPad with 3G and 32GB of storage costs $729. In other words Xoom has better hardware than the iPad, but it costs only $70 more.

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