Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Mercedes Benz Biome

Mercedes-Benz makes many high quality vehicles, but it is a great idea to consider getting an extended warranty for your Mercedes-Benz. A Mercedes-Benz Extended Warranty is available more models.
The Mercedes-Benz BIOME would grow in a completely organic environment from seeds sown in a nursery. At this year's Los Angeles Design Challenge, the designers from the Mercedes-Benz Advanced Design Studios in Carlsbad, CA, surprised everyone with a revolutionary vision. Taking their inspiration from nature, they designed a vehicle which is fully integrated into the ecosystem, from the moment of its creation through to the end of its service life.

The Mercedes-Benz BIOME would grow in a completely organic environment from seeds sown in a nursery. Out on the road the car emits pure oxygen, and at the end of its lifespan it can be simply composted or used as building material.

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